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1435430перевірка файлів cookieЕксперимент Белко, трейлер Red Band — це те, з чого складаються офісні кошмари

Експеримент Белко, трейлер Red Band — це те, з чого складаються офісні кошмари

James Gunn’s upcoming horror flick Belko Експеримент is a little known project due for release in 2017 on March 17th. It’s not quite the kind of movie you might have expected it to be given the fact that it absolutely starts completely different from the way it ends.

In typical James Gunn fashion, we get a trailer about what looks like typical office politics and possible conundrums involving the interpersonal lives of the workers. However, that doesn’t last long at all and the trailer takes a really, really, really dark turn.

You can check out the cool two and a half minute trailer below courtesy of Трейлери фільмів JoBlo.

So after they’re informed that the only way to leave is to kill three of their other coworkers, things begin to break down and heads begin to roll… or rather, explode.

John C. McGinley looks like he’s going to be an absolute devilish delight in the film. There appears to be a lot of topical moral treading going on as some characters weigh whether or not they should kill others in order to survive, or allow themselves to be killed to avoid killing. Interesting flick.

Це мені трохи нагадує Екзамен from 2009, which had a similar setup but was far less mean-spirited about its plot, opposite of The Killing Room, which was extremely mean-spirited about its plot.

And given that this is a James Gunn flick that’s rated ‘R’, I’m pretty sure he’s going to resurface his Тріска days with plenty of gore and guts… or at least, we can hope.

The trailer definitely caught me off guard and the movie looks like it’ll be a solid mix between dark comedy, action and horror-slasher elements.

Ви можете подивитися на Belko Експеримент to land in theaters starting March 17th next year.

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