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1441080перевірка файлів cookieТрейлер "Раджі: стародавня епопея" розповідає про чарівну індіанську пригоду

Трейлер "Раджі: стародавня епопея" розповідає про чарівну індіанську пригоду

Nodding Head Games, an independent development outfit from out of India, recently released a trailer for their upcoming game, Раджі: Стародавній Епос. The trailer was put out to the public in preparation for the upcoming crowdfunding drive that the developers plan to take to Kickstarter.

The game sees players taking on the role of a young girl named Raji who has been chosen by the gods to both rescue her young brother and defeat the rising presence of an evil lord named Mahabalasura. It reminds me a little bit of Mirror Mask or Лабіринт Пану.

Visually we get a small taste of the Indian architecture on display inside of a temple, along with Raji stepping inside and accessing an ancient magical symbol on the floor. You can see the Unreal Engine 4 powered title briefly in action with the trailer below.

Раджі will be an action adventure title, but details on the actual gameplay are limited. In fact, all we know is that Раджі will be fantasy-based and will be a single-player title as players journey through the fantastical recreations of Indian-themed levels in order to save Raji’s little brother.

The teaser trailer gave the impression that the game might be played overhead, but we’ll likely see more of the actual gameplay concepts when the title finally makes its way onto Kickstarter.

In the meantime Nodding Head Games have opened up an Сторінка IndieDB where they announced their intentions, studio and game on the page. They will be updating the page regularly as they move through development and start chipping away at the production on their way toward the finish line.

I think the premise is interesting and the visuals show promise. However, until we see some actual real-time gameplay I’m going to reserve a bit of judgment.

The Kickstarter is set to go live soon for Раджі: Стародавній Епос.

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