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1499360перевірка файлів cookieДослідження не виявило зв’язку між відеоіграми та зниженням чутливості до насильства

Дослідження не виявило зв’язку між відеоіграми та зниженням чутливості до насильства

Нещодавнє дослідження, проведене групою німецьких дослідників, провело лонгітюдне дослідження відеоігор та їх потенційного впливу на зниження чутливості геймерів до насильства. Виявилося, що дослідження не змогло знайти зв’язок між насильницькими відеоіграми та зниженням чутливості до насильства.

The study was published over on Каргер, and it involved The Sims 3 та Grand Theft Auto V. The test groups played the games over the course of eight weeks.

What they found was that the people who played GTA V didn’t seem to be anymore desensitized to violence than the people who played The Sims 3 after they exposed them to images designed to inflict empathy for pain.

The study basically attempts to contradict some previous studies that claimed that video games do increase aggression and desensitization to violence…

“Based on the latter database of studies a task force of the American Psychological Association recently summarized the findings on violent video games as indicating that they pose a risk factor for adverse outcomes, including increased desensitization, and decreased empathy. The present findings of this study clearly contradict this conclusion. Our longitudinal interventional study design allows us to draw causal conclusions and does not show any evidence for a desensitization effect in brain signal during empathy for pain.”

Like most other studies, they used Grand Theft Auto V as a way to gauge if people playing it for some time each day and then came off of playing it would they show a lower threshold of sensitivity in empathy compared to people who played The Sims 3. However, it’s already a faulty test because what if the people playing GTA V just drove around or did mundane tasks or partook in some mini-games?


And what if the opposite happened in The Sims 3? What if the participants spent their time killing babies and drowning their spouses?

It seems like that wouldn’t be a very good way to determine if violent games make you desensitized to violence. A more precise way of measuring the response would have been using a game like рок від 2016 або Battlefield 1.

Anyway, some gamers are probably glad that this report somewhat inconclusively contradicts some other reports about games making people desensitized toward violence. However, there really needs to be a better method and better games used instead of the traditional fallback to GTA V.

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