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1488400перевірка файлів cookieКоманда розробників Blister хоче знати, чого хочуть гравці від гри FPS

Команда розробників Blister хоче знати, чого хочуть гравці від гри FPS

Item_42 aims to work full-time on their tactical first-person shooter BLISTER. However before diving too deep into development, the team wants to know your thoughts about first-person shooters and other things in relation to the genre by filling out a questionnaire.

блістер first made its appearance on Профіль Greenlight back on June 3rd, 2016 and managed to pass its Greenlight test nine days later on June 12th, 2016. The FPS game aims to explore tactical SWAT gameplay set in the UK, which is further detailed in this WIP Combat teaser by Пункт_42.

Now that you have an ideal as to what блістер aims to bring to the gaming scene, the team noted that they are gearing up to work on блістер full-time and that they would appreciate your help by filling out a questionnaire:

If you can’t read, see or access the tweet above, it basically covers the aforesaid with a link to a Google doc for you to fill out the questionnaire to help out the devs. The link to the doc can be reached by visiting docs.google.com/forms.

As a quick rundown as to what kind of questions are asked within the doc, the team wants to know are you currently interested in playing single-player, story-driven FPS games? Have you played any single-player tactical FPS games before? Have you ever played a game set in the UK before?

Other questions elaborate on how appealing do you find the idea of a SWAT-style game set in the UK, and what’s the most important aspect of gameplay in a single-player FPS to you?

You can tick off boxes that sport the following answers on the doc page:

  • The quality and polish of the combat
  • A feeling of immersion and adrenaline in the game world
  • A sense of tactical control over a chaotic battle situation
  • A responsive and obedient team that carries out your commands
  • Believable and unpredictable enemies that work together against you
  • Fighting alone against waves of enemies
  • Controlling a team to tactically take down difficult aggressors

The questionnaire holds more queries for you to interact with and answer, which, as posted above, you can reach by hitting up docs.google.com/forms.

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