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1521840перевірка файлів cookieКомікс Jawbreakers від Diversity And Comics перевершує мету IndieGoGo

Комікс Jawbreakers від Diversity And Comics перевершує мету IndieGoGo

Richard C. Meyer has been talking frequently about getting into the comic creation business on his YouTube channel Diversity & Comics. He decided to take the next step in securing funding for the project by heading on over to IndieGoGo to fund the 44-page graphic novel for Jawbreakers – Lost Souls.

Історія для Jawbreakers centers around a group of ex-super heroes who have turned into mercenaries. The group managed to piss off plenty of people, and the only decent jobs they can find for their powers is working as monster hunters in Africa.

The story is being written by Richard C. Meyer from Diversity & Comics YouTube channel, while the art is being drawn by Marvel Comics artist Jon Malin from кабель та Нові воїни. And don’t worry, Malin isn’t an SJW. Heck the art below should be proof enough that Malin isn’t an SJW.

Jawbreaker – Lost Souls

A hot chick with barely-there clothing, feminine proportions and no questionably off-putting androgynous features…. that’s how you know that this isn’t being drawn by SJWs.

Brett Smith from Wolverine, Batman та Ліга Справедливості will be handling the coloring.

The initial goal was for $5,000 but they’ve already managed to secure $35,702 as of the writing of this article, and they still have 22 days left on the crowdfunding campaign.

The comic almost has a thousand backers after being on IndieGoGo for just a day. So long as Meyer’s SJW antagonists don’t get the project pulled from the service, it should go on to accrue a healthy amount of financial support from the comic book community. I suppose this will determine if disgruntled comic book fans will put their money where their mouth is because we all know they don’t want to put another dime or dollar into Marvel’s coffers after suffering through half a decade of SocJus nonsense.

There are plans to ship the comic by this August in 2018, barring any unforeseen hiccups.

If you want to support the graphic novel from Richard C. Meyer, you can do so by visiting the IndieGoGo сторінка.

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