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Ремейк Panzer Dragoon вийде на ПК через Steam цієї зими

With Takashi Iwade passing away back in August due to an illness, it’s a sad prospect that the games industry has lost such talent. However, his legacy will carry on through an upcoming remake of the older танковий драгун, which will hit PC as a remake sometime this winter.

If you don’t know, Iwade-san worked on Танцер Драгун (1995) and did character models and production effects. On Panzer Dragoon II: Zwei (1996), he also worked on character models. Two years later, he would go on to work on Сага про танкові драгуни (1998) and do enemy designs. And lastly, he worked on Panzer Драгун Орта (2002), filling the role of an art director.

Sadly, despite the genius behind the Танцер Драгун series not being around to help out or see his work face a remake, it looks like Forever Entertainment and MegaPixel Studio S. A. will carry on the work of Iwade-san come winter of this year.

Ось іще чірікать announcing what PC gamers that happen to have Steam installed will get later this year:

I should note that Nintendo revealed the remake of Танцер Драгун back in June of this year, where Switch owners will gain access to the role of Keil Fluge — a member of the hunter party.

If you want to become the rider of the Solo Wing and set forth to stop the Dark Dragon, then the following trailer has you covered:

So what does this all mean? It means that Switch owners will be able to play Танцер Драгун Remake. However, PC goers via пар can go hands-on with the remake this winter.

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