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1553340перевірка файлів cookieПрем'єру фільму Violet Evergarden перенесли через коронавірус

Прем'єру фільму Violet Evergarden перенесли через коронавірус

Yet another victim of Mistress Corona-chan has been claimed. This time it’s Kyoto Animation’s Фіолетовий Evergarden movie that received the deadly kiss of Corona-chan, resulting in the theatrical premiere for the film being postponed. This follows a rather бурхливий 2019 рік for Kyoto Animation, who suffered from a devastating and deadly fire last year.

The news was picked up by Anime Intelligence and Research, who tweeted out about the postponement on April 6th, 2020.

The news was originally made public by the production committee for the Фіолетовий Evergarden movie over on the офіційний Фіолетовий Evergarden сайт.

As mentioned on the website, the movie was originally scheduled to hit theaters in Japan on April 24th, 2020 over the weekend. However, they mention that after the Japanese government advised for quarantines and to prevent the spread of the virus through public events, they decided to postpone the release date.

At the moment, they have no new release date but they state on the site that once they have secured a new release date they’ll update everyone on the website.

The apologize for the delay but also note that those of you who pre-purchase tickets you’ll still be able to use them for when the movie gets a new release date. Hopefully theater management honors that. That’s also a bit more than what some other movie studios have offered, given that most of them have simply stated that pre-purchased tickets were either going to be rendered void or you would have to contact the ticket supplier and request a refund.

Expect more delays and postponements for other big media as Mistress Corona-chan continues to wreak havoc on every major industry out there.

(Дякуємо за пораду новин Guardian EvaUnit02)

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