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OneShot: Puzzle Adventure Game запускається з дуже позитивними відгуками

OneShot is a fourth wall-breaking Adventure Puzzle game, developed by the Oneshot team and published by Degica. The game focuses on the player assisting Neko to save a dying planet that has lost its sun.

oneshot-2Apparently this game was made using the RPGMaker, but I wouldn’t have guessed that at all from seeing screenshots or the video trailers. The thing that makes OneShot so unique is that the world seems to be aware of the player’s presence, and will talk to you and interact with you,  and sometimes it will affect your computer’s desktop in different ways outside of the game, thus breaking the fourth wall.

Pretty early on in the game, Neko finds a giant lightbulb that you will use throughout the game for various reasons to help you solve puzzles and navigate the world. The planet Neko is on is dying and is left in ruins after its sun went out, leaving what is left of the planet in darkness.

So together, you and Neko must work together to restore the sun in an attempt to save the planet. The developers released a launch trailer for the game, so take a look at the below video to get an idea about what OneShot це все о.

OneShot launched on Steam on December 8th, and since then it now has a total of 64 reviews, and out of those, 62 of them are very positive. Steam User 龍 Rip gave the game very high praise, saying in the below quote:

“You owe it to yourself to experience one of the most influential games I’ve ever played, like ever.”

Між тим, Steam User Villian follows up with more praise, saying:

“I feel OneShot has this sense of immersion that I haven’t felt while playing a game in a long time.”

I personally would have taken the reviews with a grain of salt and I wouldn’t have thought much of it, but out of those 64 reviews, only 2 of them are negative and marked as “not recommended” votes for the game, but they don’t actually have any reviews to tell why they didn’t like the game or what made it bad. The other reviews go on to praise the game for being fun, immersive and unique.

Others compared OneShot as being a unique experience similar to playing подорож, where it is one of those games that is best to play and experience for yourself rather than watching videos or reading long detailed reviews about it. Players have also mentioned  that looking up guides for the game won’t do much good, since almost all of the puzzles are randomized in some way to give the game a unique play experience for every player.

I personally haven’t played OneShot yet, but it sounds like it is a hit among the players that have already jumped in and played it. For more information you can visit the Сторінка магазину Steam to learn more. Make sure to also visit the Офіційний сайт для уточнення деталей.

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