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Могутні нагороди № 9 досі не надіслано деяким спонсорам

Comcept has been in hot water with gamers ever since Могутній номер 9 was repeatedly delayed under poorly communicated circumstances, and then released in a way that left many feeling as if there was much to be desired out of the finished product. Well, those who helped back the Kickstarter are still peeved that some of the things they paid for still have yet to arrive.

TheGG did an article highlighting the continued disgruntlement from backers of the original Могутній номер 9 Kickstarter. It started with a post on Reddit’s /r/Games/ where a user wrote…

“Mighty No. 9 was finally released on June 21st, and almost 6 months later Comcept has not sent out any physical rewards other than t-shirts early in the year. Those who backed the game for the handheld versions have just been told by Engine Software (the company porting the game) that it is in development with no scheduled release date. Mighty No 9 twitter and kickstarter page has been silent since September 15th as well.”

Nick Monroe, an infrequent contributor to One Angry Gamer, also put together a comment collage of all the people who have asked about and have not received an answer regarding their Kickstarter rewards.

The comments were taken directly off the Kickstarter сторінку та цінності Могутній номер 9.

Some users have begun speculating about possible release windows for the content, with user Вакко quoting another user who estimated that the rewards might be sent out in early 2017, possibly in January…

“Any idea who gave the estimated January or early 2017 release of the rewards. I believe the only one who made such a guess was Fangamer, and even they don’t know if that’s the case anymore. Still waiting for those “key assets” from Comcept!”

I did reach out to Comcept regarding the release of the backer rewards and whether there was an estimate or any information to share regarding this troubling circumstance, but as of the publishing of this article there has been no response from Comcept.

Спочатку Могутній номер 9 was released back in late June of 2016. The game was part of a very неспокійний розвиток that became quite controversial. Nevertheless, gamers were at least expecting on the promised goods to be delivered, including 3D printed boss models and other paraphernalia like t-shirts and concept art. According to the Kickstarter page the rewards were supposed to be delivered back in April of 2015, but there’s been no word or update on when they’ll be shipped out to backers. The handheld version of Могутній номер 9 have also been indefinitely on hold.

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