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Warhammer 40K: Space Wolf вийде в Steam 16 лютого

iOS and Android fans will recognize Warhammer 40K: Space Wolf, which will be heading to PC via Steam Early Access early next year. The game recently hit the Steam Coming Soon page revealing that it will come to the platform on February 16th, 2017.

Do you like the universe of Warhammer 40K? Do you also like turn-based games on PC? Well, if you’ve answered yes to the above it’s likely that you will enjoy the upcoming PC iteration of Warhammer 40K: Space Wolf. Developer and publisher Herocraft released the latest description for the game that reads:

“Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf is a card-driven turn-based tactical game which features RPG elements, containing a single player campaign, survival and PvP modes. Win these battles using the arsenal of weapons, abilities and cunning of the sky warriors.”

Space Wolf task players to take command of Space Wolves squad led by Valgard Twice Slain. Players will follow a story where the Great Company’s Strike Cruiser fell into a trap by Chaos Space Marines of the Word Bearers Legion — stirring the player to make a forced landing on Kanak, a volcano-wrecked feral world, occupied by tribes of ruthless warriors.

Now stranded, you must fight not only to survive but to emerge victorious. For a better look at Warhammer 40K: Space Wolf you can check out the official trailer and some gameplay footage of the tactical turn-based 40K game thanks to Herocraft.

As noted above, the game is currently playable on iOS and Android devices for those who like to game on mobile platforms. As of now the game is for free across the App Store та Google Play магазин.

Нарешті, Warhammer 40K: Space Wolf налаштований на удар Парова Ранній доступ early next year for PC on February 16th. For more information on the devs and the game you can visit Herocraftросійський офіційний сайт.

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