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Call Of Duty: Infinite Warfare – Rave In the Redwoods Intro Cinematic

Infinite Ward released a new video showcasing the intro cinematic for Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare latest zombie map, Rave in the Redwoods. The diabolical Willard Wyler is still trying to sacrifice the group of young’ns and he sends the quartet of bewildered teens to the camp grounds for a rave set during the 1990s.

The intro cinematic was posted up over on the Infinity Ward channel, featuring a 1990’s style cartoon parody of the events. You can check it out below.

The intro cinematic looks to mimic old cartoons from the 90s, with flat characters and bright color contrasts. The design of the characters are oddly more similar to the aughts, though.

It’s weird they said it was the 1990s in USA but the characters they have in the rave look like hipsters from [current year] San Francisco.

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare - Rave in the Redwoods


When I think of raves in the 1990s I can’t help but think about that iconic blood rave from the original Лезо. That scene will still go down as one of the most awesome scenes in movie history.

Anyway, the opening cinematic eventually reveals the zombies, and they come from out of the woods to feast on the raving teens. The four survivors end up in a cabin in the woods where players will start off. From there, it’s a matter of rinsing and repeating the survival antics from previous почуття обов'язку zombie maps.

It doesn’t look nearly as inspired as some of the other zombie themed maps that they’ve come out with, especially like Mob of the Dead, which is still easily one of my favorites. Nevertheless, you can get in on the action starting on PS4 first. The map will launch as part of the Sabotage DLC pack on January 31st next week. Shortly thereafter the map pack will be available for PC and Xbox One owners.

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