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Безкоштовні ігри PS Plus на лютий 2017 року не такі погані, як попередні пропозиції

PS Plus subscribers have been complaining incessantly about the quality of offerings from Sony for the free games made available through the PlayStation Plus service. For many months on end Sony has been lazily throwing out a lot of shovelware, hipster games and low quality indieware. Well, for the PS Plus line-up for February, the games don’t suck nearly as bad as they did in previous months.

над на Блог PlayStation they rolled out the full lineup that you can view below.

LittleBigPlanet 3 - PS4
Не герой - PS4
Starwhal – PS3, cross buy with PS4
Anna — Extended Edition - PS3
Ninja Senki DX – PS Vita, cross buy with PS4
Torque – PS Vita, cross buy with PS4

As usual, they also rolled out a quick trailer showing each of the titles on display so you can see what it is you’re getting for your monthly subscription price.

And like clockwork… there are lots of downvotes. Why? Because a lot of people already own LittleBigPlanet 3.

However, the monotony of the raging was switched up in the comment section by a few recognizable YouTubers hopping in to white knight for Sony, including RobinGaming...


Others were also on the attack against the PlayStation community, calling people ungrateful 12-year-olds for being pissed at the procession of poor games rolled out on PS Plus for months on end and finally getting a decent game and still being pissed.


As some people have pointed out, the dislike bar getting a medium sized lightsaber handle at this point is kind of standard fare. It’s like Trump and the media both making things up, or John Podesta and his Brother getting “pizza” for an hour, or sold out arenas booing Roman Reigns out of the building.

Regardless of what’s on offer, it still rubs my rubles the wrong way that people still have to pay for multiplayer. Throwing in a half-stacked offering of old games to keep people paying to play online is like giving an unwrapped condom to a heroin user when they visit the local crack house.

Anyway, you can grab the free PS Plus games throughout February if you’re subscribed, or hold out and wait to see what March holds, which should be interesting given that Sony may have to step it up to compete with the launch of the Nintendo Switch.

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