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1449740перевірка файлів cookieКосмічна пригодницька гра Stardrop має вийти для ПК 1 червня

Космічна пригодницька гра Stardrop має вийти для ПК 1 червня

A new indie game will be hitting Steam Early Access that goes by the name of Stardrop, which is published and developed by Joure Visser. The space-adventure game currently has a release date of June 1st for PC via Steam Early Access, and can be played right now through a demo.

Viewers looking over Stardrop will see that the title is more of a walking simulator type game. However it seems to have a strange space-adventure side to it that covers spaceship navigation and some form of planetary exploration.

The main characters that players will assume see John and Aryn set out on a routine mission to salvage an unknown spacecraft reported to be near the Cassiopeia constellation. While exploring this unknown spacecraft a sci-fi mystery twist unravels as both astronauts embark toward the strange ship out in deep space.

“STARDROP is a narrative driven Sci-Fi first person adventure and exploration game set in the future. You play as Aryn Vance who is accompanied by her close friend, John Kindley. They are Salvage and Rescue operatives seeking old derelict spacecraft lost in time or ships who are are in need of help.”

I’m not sure if this game will offer something unique in its full state or if the indie game will be yet another space walking sim? There are actually two ways to find out and one includes watching the trailer by Юре Віссер.

The second method of finding out more about Stardrop is by playing the free demo that is currently up on both its newly posted Парова Ранній доступ сторінки і Головний сайт.

Before signing out, the developers posted up an update log that covers what they have in store for Stardrop and how Early Access will play out when it rolls around on June 1st, which is up for your reading pleasure on jourev.wixsite.com.

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