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1458110перевірка файлів cookieFugl, Bird Sim планується випустити в ранньому доступі Steam 7 вересня

Fugl, Bird Sim планується випустити в ранньому доступі Steam 7 вересня

Once featured on the now deceased Steam Greenlight comes the Early Access Build of Fugl. The game will debut on September 7th, 2017. Kotori Studios and Team Fugl’s flying bird sim is currently in development for PC.

If you are into meditative games and like playing as a bird in a colorful world, I think there is a game for you that’s worth checking out named Fugl. Featured on Steam Greenlight and voted through by the community, Fugl is set to debut on Steam Early Access on September 7th.

“Fugl is a meditative game in which you experience the thrill of flying as bird through an ever-changing voxel world. Choose your own pace as you explore the unspoilt beauty of the landscape and discover hundreds of animals inhabitants, whose characteristics your shape shifting bird can absorb.”

The game explores the essence of flying and attempts to simulate what it would be like to feel a breeze under your wings as you glide through voxel-like procedurally generated landscapes. Valleys, beaches, cliffs and huge bodies of water and other scenic environments are more than present in Fugl and will likely please gamers who always wished to experience life as an airborne creature.

To top it all off, the game will feature a stage editor so that you can create your very own levels to admire or you can simply let the game’s engine do all the work and create a procedural world for you to explore. Various animals and mythical lifeforms will be present in the game, filling land, air and water, and can be accompanied by your vary own edited bird.

The trailer for the flying bird sim is up for you to look over that covers the aforesaid, plus more. The video comes in by Йохан Г'єстланд and clocks in at 41 seconds.

One thing before concluding, I’m not sure why this game is listed as an RPG, but I assume it is the type of role-playing game as in “playing out an act” rather than leveling up and dealing with RNG and such. I just thought to throw that out there in case you were baffled by its tags on пар.

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