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Оновлення Mega Maker для завантаження доступне для ПК

Мегалайзер has been updated not too long ago for PC players to further enjoy creating their own Mega Man рівнів. Супер Маріо Maker-style game reflects the early 8-bit realm of Mega Man games, and if building levels is your thing, then you might want to check out the new update, which is available for download right now.

Building things in popular franchises is expanding, which was recently most popularized by Nintendo putting Супер Маріо Maker out there for fans and gamers alike to consume. Bandai Namco is looking to get into the same playing field by doing the same thing with Pac-Man, but it’s still in development as we speak.

In addition to the above, you want to know what isn’t still in development? Mega Maker’s v1.0.5.3. That’s because it’s now available for download right now for PC. New changes as well as fixes to the existing fan-made game by Wrecking Programs sit over on the game’s Офіційний сайт.

The new changes and fixes include a drastic optimization change to the level editor in that large stages should run smoother with better FPS stability, lag reduced while in custom levels, objects in the editor have been altered to be like an eyedropper tool when trying to pick them up with the middle mouse button, and much more.

Before throwing up the download link to the latest version of Mega Maker, if you happen to be new and wish to see all of the stuff the game has to offer, an introductory video trailer by Шкідливі програми сидить внизу, щоб ви могли дивитися.

The latest version of the fan made project can be obtained by hitting up mediafire.com, which holds the actual updated versions of Mega Maker.

Lastly, the team behind Mega Maker has discontinued its Patreon due to the large success it has received in that a company who host servers  approached the team to continue its work free of charge. This means the free fan-made project known as Мегалайзер has a pretty bright future ahead of it. You can learn more about this game over on mega-maker.com.

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