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Muv-Luv Alternative, Visual Novel виходить у Steam 18 вересня

The third and final entry in the Мув-Лув trilogy will finally release on Steam starting September 18th for $39.99. Backers will automatically receive their copy of the final entry in the visual novel series, but others who are interested in the project can pick up a digital copy starting next month.

The third entry was a bit waylaid due to unforeseen circumstances, but it will now complete the trilogy of visual novels that are available in English, Japanese and Chinese. The project was first Kickstarted back in 2015 to the sweet, oh-so-sweet tune of $1.2 million. Fans of the Мув-Лув series have been patiently waiting for all three editions to launch since then.

According to the developers, they’re finally glad to be able to bring gamers this final, tear-jerking entry to the series, filled with loss, gore, and a giant alien bug menace…

“This is it. The chips are down, the die’s been cast, and the fate of the multiverse is on the line. Step back into the cockpit and prepare for deployment in Muv-Luv Alternative. Just be sure to keep a box of tissues handy, because it’s about to be a bumpy ride.


“Muv-Luv Alternative is an epic tale of political conspiracies, international espionage, alien menace, quantum causality, bittersweet reunions, genetic modification, and much, much more. Gluttons for punishment, rejoice, because once it gets rolling, there are no brakes on this pain train.”

The story follows Takeru on his final journey into a world not his own. He ends up in the war-ravaged reality where he attempts to change his fate and face off against seemingly insurmountable odds.

The developers note that unlike the first two visual novels in the translated Мув-Лув series, this third entry will not offer alternative routes and is mostly a linear, straight-through story, consisting of full voice-acting and anywhere between 50 and 70 hours of reading time.

If you’re not caught up on the story or you want to catch up on the story, you can read up on the previous events to help you understand where Альтернатива Мув-Лува starts and what the story entails by visiting the Паровий магазин сторінка. Alternatively, you can just wait until September 18th and pick up a digital copy when it becomes available.

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