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1516490перевірка файлів cookieСторінка Assassin's Creed: Origins на Metacritic показує безліч фальшивих «позитивних» відгуків користувачів

Сторінка Assassin's Creed: Origins на Metacritic показує безліч фальшивих «позитивних» відгуків користувачів

Ubisoft has put out Assassin's Creed: Origins for consumption not too long ago. Like any other game, reviews poured out to give gamers an idea what to expect before purchasing Витоки, but it seems that there are more fake “positive reviews” that bolstered the game’s Metacritic scoring from a six to an eight regarding user review scores.

Back when the first Кредо Вбивці hit the gaming scene a lot of people were really excited and couldn’t wait to play the game. After Ubisoft found that they could bank on the game and churn out title after title, many gamers grew weary and tired of Кредо Вбивці as a whole, forcing Ubisoft to take a break on sequential Кредо Вбивці ігор.

After Ubisoft felt that it was the right time to give gamers a new Кредо Вбивці game we now have Витоки. Some gamers felt the need to hold off before purchasing the latest iteration due to past Кредо Вбивці games either being glitchy or bad.

These people took to review sites to see whether or not Витоки is something to pick up or to pass, and lo and behold, gamers found that there were and still are a slew of fake “positive reviews” under the user section that boost its Metacritic score from its original launch day of six out of 10 to an eight out of 10.

The information and footage showing the above pertaining to Assassin’s Creed: Origins and its fake user “positive reviews” can be seen below thanks to Yong Yea.

Як вона стоїть зараз, Assassin's Creed: Origins has a user score on Metacritic that sits around a seven flat. However, the growth of negative reviews ranging from DRM to Metacritic and Ubisoft working together to other concerning things recently picked up in volume.

While we wait to see what happens in the near future regarding these fake reviews you can learn the story behind the header image thanks to Lemon Peanuts.

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