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1526280перевірка файлів cookieAftercharge, Light Fall можна буде грати на Монреальському міжнародному саміті ігор

Aftercharge, Light Fall можна буде грати на Монреальському міжнародному саміті ігор

The Montreal International Games Summit is set to take place between December 11th and December 13th at the Palais des Congres in Montreal, Canada. A number of indie titles will be on display at the event, including Післязаряду та Світло осінь.

Післязаряду is being developed by Chainsawesome Games and is an asymmetrical PvP multiplayer game, where one group of players are in the role of soldiers who must defend power stations from invisible robots. The trick to the game is that the robots can only use melee attacks while the soldiers have guns. Of course, with the robots being invisible it means the soldiers have to use teamwork to spot the robots before they destroy the power nodes. You can check out a gameplay trailer below to get an idea of what to expect from the title.

The asymmetric, enclosed PvP multiplayer shooter hasn’t been the most sought after gaming style by gamers in recent years. The larger, open-air designs with survival elements have been the rage for the last five years, especially with games like Область битв PlayerUnknown currently proving gamers are interested in unique games that actually push the hardware and software forward.

As for the other title… Світло осінь… it’s a puzzle-platforming game with a mix of fast-paced, reflex-oriented challenges. It reminds me a little bit of Lost in Shadow відповідає Зловмисники.

Players will have to help guide a young boy through a fantastical world using a powerful bit of shadow magic to help along the way.

Світло осінь is due out in the spring of 2018… more specifically, in March. The game will be available for the PC, PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch.

You’ll be able to play both games ahead of their launch at the MIGS next week in Canada.

Additionally, Sabotage Studio will also officially unveil their new game, which has been kept under wraps so far. More details will be available for Sabotage Studio’s title come January, 2018.

For more info on all three companies you can visit the MIGS official website.

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