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Концепт-арт TimeSplitters 4 демонструє безліч персонажів

TimeSplitters 4 was meant to be a continuation of the series of TimeSplitters games. The now canned game by Free Radical Design is somewhat back, but only through never before released concept art. The familiar wacky, erotic, and freakish character designs still remained as the backbone of the cancelled fourth FPS game, and some of the concept are is now available for public viewing.

TimeSplitters 1 та TimeSplitters 2 aren’t known for their stories, the gameplay and story modes were fun during their prime time, but the series didn’t shine in characters and an actual story to dig into until TimeSplitters 3: Future Perfect.

The latter title brought forth an actual antagonist to fight, Jacob Crow, and even provided an answer as to how the Time Splitters came to be, and the alignment of Sergeant Cortez and his deceased partner, Corporal Hart, who both worked for the Spacetime Marine on Mars.

Although there is little known about the planned fourth iteration of the TimeSplitters series, we do know from concept art that Free Radical Design wanted to keep with obscure, quirky, and unique character designs.

The concept artwork, which is old, but new to the gaming scene, reveals a lot of two-headed things, various types of monkeys, a robot design that pays tribute to Hajime Sorayama, and much more TimeSplitters-esque stuff.

If you want to quench your curiosity and see what the team over at Free Radical Design had in mind for TimeSplitters 4, Imgur folder of relic screenshots is available to view right below.

Timesplitters 4 Concept Art

будучи TimeSplitters fan myself, it does sting just a little bit to see this series go. Hopefully, Cinder Interactive Arts can bring back a part of the series through TimeSplitters Rewind; if it does happen, at least community members can give proper feedback to the development team to help shape it into a worthwhile release.

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