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1511950перевірка файлів cookieNEKOPARA Extra тепер доступний у Steam із великою кількістю Lolis

NEKOPARA Extra тепер доступний у Steam із великою кількістю Lolis

Якщо вам сподобалося NEKOPARA series but felt as if there were just too many fully developed, voluptuous catgirls to fondle and ogle, don’t you worry your fuzzy little butthole about it, because developer NEKO Works and Sekai Project recently released НЕКОПАРА Екстра on Steam with plenty of lolis for you to visually caress in the mini-VN for the low, low price of just $4.99.

Як і інший NEKOPARA titles, you’ll indulge in the adventure centering around the catgirls Chocola and Vanilla. Only this time around the story centers on the patisserie, La Soleil, a half a year before its official opening, and how Chocola and Vanilla were discovered as young kittens at the Minaduki household before they began working at the patisserie.

The story follows their growth under Kashou, how he becomes viewed as their master, their first Christmas, and more.

НЕКОПАРА Екстра is basically exactly what the name infers: an extra.

The game is designed as an extra episode after the developers had a sterling run on Kickstarter and promised an extra episode as part of the stretch goal from the NEKOPARA OVA crowdfunding campaign.

Sayori returns as the artist to illustrate all the loli content for НЕКОПАРА Екстра. Additionally, the visual novel comes with main audio language support for Japanese with additional subtitle support for English, Japanese, and traditional Chinese.

NEKOpara Extra - Pantyhose

Як і будь-який інший NEKOPARA outing before it, НЕКОПАРА Екстра has already picked up a strong following of positive user reviews. Gamers love them some catgirl goodness, and even doubly so when it’s loli catgirls.

There’s going to be a lot of Catholics in the confession booth come Sunday.

Ви можете забрати цифрову копію НЕКОПАРА Екстра Прямо зараз від парової магазин for $4.99. During the first week of being available the game is marked down by 10% off the normal price.

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