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1501830перевірка файлів cookieРічард Гарфілд каже, що люди не пробували створювати артефакт через увесь негатив

Річард Гарфілд каже, що люди не пробували створювати артефакт через увесь негатив

У той час як юридична справа of John Doe 1 through 100 is still ongoing, with the first of the bunch identified through a “whois” search by Twitch, we have Richard Garfield saying that one of the reasons that Valve’s card game Артефакт failed to retain players is due to fan negativity surrounding the card game.

At this point, anything is going to be an excuse used to defend why Артефакт has failed. With a plethora of issues looming about the game, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out why the trading card game has lost close to 100% of its player base with only a tiny fraction still visiting the game from time to time.

If you don’t know who Richard Garfield is, he is a mathematician, inventor, and game designer best known for Магія: Збір. In 2018, Valve and Garfield released Артефакт late in November on PC via Steam.

The card game in question bled players like a wounded soldier with a lost cause. In other words, recovery is slim, and a healthy future is grim.

Fast forward to today, and we have Garfield saying that Артефакт‘s demise is due to fans wanting Half Life 3 and not getting it and therefore rallying up negative vibes to detour the intended players base that Valve and Garfield wanted for Артефакт,  thus leading to this very moment.

You can hear all of the above in a new snippet that website GameInformer posted on their YouTube channel. Garfield’s claim can be heard at the 1:13 mark:

If you didn’t watch the video, when Garfield answered the question about what surprised him the most regarding Артефакти launch, the dev replied and said, “Nothing really” since he’s skeptical of fan reception on paid services and free-to-play models. However, he believes Артефакт is a “really good game” that’s not for everyone, and the people it was intended for steered clear from the card game due to all of the “negativity.”

Lastly, Valve and crew are moving forward with development on Артефакт while keeping their heads-down — focusing on addressing as many issues instead of shipping updates. This process of experimentation and development is said to take a “significant amount of time.”

Artifact the game is out now for $19.99 on ПК через Steam.

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