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Витік демо-версії Final Fantasy VII Remake Intro перед оголошенням

Remember that leaked Final Fantasy VII Remake demo? Well, the demo is not only official, but you can see the intro via a new video. The demo is not playable right now, given that Square Enix hasn’t even announced the thing yet, but according to the video footage, it’s coming to PS4 sometime in the near future.

If you care or don’t care about this game, it looks like there’s no denying that Square Enix couldn’t stop a leak of Final Fantasy VII Remake demo intro in that it’s now out in the wild.

Згідно сайту Gematsu, YouTuber Lystrasza got a hold of the demo and is now sharing it with the public. The site also makes mention that the full game reportedly had a listing in the same file server, but is now removed.

With that said, the video starts with Aerith kneeling in the ally (as seen in many trailers) where she then goes out to the main street and loses a flower that’s stepped on by a pedestrian. From here, the camera zooms out to show the scope of the city and the working title’s name. Afterward, we see cuts between the city and Cloud on a train followed by a name prompt of “Mako Reactor 1.”

After familiar faces take out the surrounding guards, the first chapter starts and allows the player to roam around, and then the video abruptly ends. If that sounds interesting to you, Gematsu has a backup of the video by following the given link, or you can check out the below video assuming it’s still up:


Obviously, the game’s demo is not out right now. However, we reported that Gamestat’s finding reveals that a demo for both Final Fantasy VII Remake and Patapon 2 Remastered are in the making.

For now, the JRPG will launch on the Sony policy device known as PS4 come March 3rd, 2020.

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